My Rants: Deadly Cream

Deadly Cream

As I’m sure you probably don’t know, I have a not so rare skin condition called eczema and so I have special creams to treat it and prescribed moisturisers to use (I only use prescribed creams because I have ultra sensitive skin)

I don’t think many people know that much about eczema or the creams prescribed for it so I not surprised that I get this all the time:


**A-san: Hey does anyone have cream I can use?

Me: I have cream.

A-san: Okay thank- *hesitates* Wait…

Me: What?

A-san: Is it okay if I use it?

Me: …What do you mean?

A-san: Will it… do anything to me? Since I don’t have eczema…

Me: …No…

A-san: Actually, It’s okay; I’ll ask someone else! But thanks anyway! *Walk away*

Me: …


I’m sorry, but if my cream was dangerous, why would it be prescribed for someone with sensitive skin? (Another time this situation happened the **Ano hito-san told me “I have sensitive skin so I probably shouldn’t use it…” …?) I understand there are some creams that aren’t suitable for… er …non-eczema sufferers, but having this disorder for my whole life, how would I not know which creams are suitable and which are not??? Come on people, I’m not stupid! It’s just a simple moisturiser, not some kind of deadly, killer cream…

…Why am I ranting about cream?

I’ll finish this post on this final note. Most people that have had diagnosed disorders for most of their lives would know a lot about them. More than you’d think.

My fellow eczema sufferers, can you relate?

**A-san → Ano hito → あの人 → That person (Japanese)


~EpicCupcake signing out.

5 thoughts on “My Rants: Deadly Cream

  1. potterpandagleek says:

    Ok, i’m sorry but I keep re-reading this post and it has only just got into my head how amazing this is. Everything is so funny and the picture is hilarious! You are very talented and please don’t stop your blog!
    PPG ❤

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